Payroll Service Solutions

What happens when you want to optimize or reduce your supplier base, or you have suppliers who just aren’t performing at a high enough level? You don’t want to lose any good talent they have provided you. So, how can you keep those workers, save money and realize many ancillary benefits?

Payroll service.

What about those workers you might recruit on your own but would prefer to “wait and see” if they are a good fit for your organization? Or, what if your business needs dictate that you should keep a certain percentage of your workforce as contingent workers?

You can simply have them payrolled through Excelsior MS3P.

What are the benefits of payrolling with Excelsior MS3P?

  1. Cost Savings – The most alluring benefit of payrolling is potential cost savings. By avoiding the full-service markups associated with the average staffing agency, companies can capture savings while not sacrificing quality, service or talent. Because the payrolling agency incurs fewer costs (advertising, on-boarding, testing, orientation, etc.), there should be a significant reduction in your markup and zero waiting time to convert these workers to your full-time status, if desired.
  2. Improved Talent Retention and Performance – By sourcing talent directly and payrolling them, or rolling them over from departing or underperforming suppliers, operational leaders can drastically reduce worker attrition. Time to fill is also improved as the talent discovery period is reduced. Quickly onboarding and retaining talent results in more worker satisfaction and improved performance.
  3. Risk Mitigation – A payrolling approach helps the business offload compliance risk, from ensuring workers are properly paid and classified, to providing background checks and drug testing. Statistics tell us most injuries occur within the first 90 days of assignment, so keeping workers who are already assigned to your company indirectly reduces OSHA exposure.
  4. Easy Transition – The American Staffing Association allows for the transition of current workers to another staffing agency with a 30 day written notice. Excelsior MS3P helps make the process of payrolling these occurrences, as well as your sourced candidates, seamless while maintaining employer of record status.
  5. Diversity Spend – Excelsior MS3P is a certified Minority Business Enterprise (BME), so every dollar that is payrolled though Excelsior is considered diversity spend, which offers many advantages.
  6. Best in Class Benefits – Excelsior MS3P Teammates receive benefits such as radically affordable insurance, an Employee Assistance Program, access to our Endeavor Scholarship program, vacation pay, holiday pay, Ōninvests perks, and much more.

Excelsior MS3P’s parent company annually producing nearly 1 million weekly “checks,” primarily direct deposits and debit cards, and well over 50,000 W-2’s. This volume and expertise gives us the opportunity to present how the payrolling process works and demonstrate how much money you can save. As one of the largest staffing companies in the U.S., and a debt-free company, Excelsior MS3P can take care of all of this for you at a very competitive price. Likewise, you don’t have to worry about losing talent or costly rehires. Increasing payroll utilization offers many benefits to companies, from driving down costs to streamlining worker sourcing processes and even reducing risks.


Our expert solution architects will work in concert with you and your staffing goals to build something that’s Simple, Scalable and Smart.

